body. damn. white and purple (or was it blue) striped sweaterwith bust so bomb the stripes bent over them distoring the shape. lovely. mhy barely b’s were so jelly.
hips. for days. swathed in formfiltting dark denim and swaying with a confidence i could only dream of.
skin. coca brown. smooth but not too smooth. not fake smooth y’know,. natural with that bad ass winged liner she loved and an undersstated matte lipstick,
blowout was tight. framed her face with that windows peak that make you take a second look.
teeth. big and white but there was a slight curve to the top bridge. could be seen as an imprefection but twas enough to make her cute real.
i was smitten. love at first sight. you had me at that gap toothed slightlh curned overbite smile. and the i am awesome that radiated from your being. my thrist was real and wouldn’t be quenched for years.
jeloushy envy, admiration, adoration, hateration, imitation all balled up in a 5 ft frane abd would alternately motivate me / make me wallow in misearly for the next. 10. years.
insecurtiy in a muthafucka
idol worship: bad ass bitch
riit was a whirlwind kind of day.. i was halfway drowning in work ,focused on getting shit donee into duck it up i almost missed the nudge …that’s her.. who.. the new girl .. she’s interviewing with him now..
i popped my head up gopher style frommy cube and took a peek. oh snap! a sista. did an internal jig of joy. and quick pray to bae jesus please let her get the job. then other thoughts.. She don’t care you want her not the other way around she’s whereing jeans. either she’s that good or that bad. i bet on that good.
idol worship: first impressions: swag/her being/confidence/
so jelly, thirsty, measuring stick, clay feet, bubble bust, full circle.

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